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2YRSGeprom Design srl

Ikhtisar Perusahaan

Album Perusahaan3

Informasi dasar
Geprom is a dynamic company creating indoor and outdoor totem, displays and plates.Our product location ranges from small shops to large spaces such as multiscreen, museums and shopping centres. Leaving aside short-cuts that go to the expence of intrinsic value and functionality of the display systems, we play the card of quality and made in Italy as leitmotiv that you will find in every our display stand, totem and brochure holder. Geprom's watchwords are quality, functionality and customization always according to client's image needs and the use of our display systems.Quality means that production and the realization of our display systems are made by using durable materials that efficiently correspond to prolonged use and capable stress during the everyday use.These attentions are particularly qualifying if placed in something square when we speak about display stands or totem for outdoor, weatherable display stands.Quality in Geprom's language can be translated into raw materials such as Plexiglas not plastic or generic substitutes that in addition to penalizing the final result in terms of beauty reduce also the life of the display stand. (For further information ski pinto the new about the latest guarantee certification gotten by Geprom from Rohm Italia). Plexiglas : "Reg. Brand of Rohm GmbH, Darmstadt (D)."For us features has to be focused on the practical use of the display stand or totem that should be easy, comfortable and convenient for those who use them in its own business every day. Quality and features work to ensure the durability of our display stands that even after a significant wear, retain their original specifications and the elegance of the design.These results we get by making an bigger effort and starting our work from the design and product engineering of our display systems. In these phases the priority is to think about the totem, display stand or brochure holder as the result in terms of aesthetics and materials in combination having special consideration for the final cost. We do not limit our business in selling an available range of display systems, but we produce each item in home.Geprom thanks to its wide range of models, the company can offer and manufacture a small and large series of display systems, without privileging mass-production.For our clients this means also a large customization possibility taking into consideration the image of the company, the space as well as the most particular display necessity respecting always for example the business sector, the displayed material and so on.
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Jenis Usaha
Negara / Wilayah
Brescia, Italy
Produk UtamaJumlah Karyawan
5 - 10 People
Pendapatan Tahunan Total
Below US$1 Million
Tahun Berdiri
Sertifikasi Produk
Merek Dagang
Pasar Utama

Kapasitas produk

Informasi pabrik

Ukuran Pabrik
1,000-3,000 square meters
Lokasi Pabrik
via G. Miglioli, 1 Calvisano (Bs) Italy
Jumlah Lini Produksi
Above 10
Manufaktur Kontrak
Design Service Offered, Buyer Label Offered
Nilai Output Tahunan
Below US$1 Million

Kapasitas R & D

Penelitian & Pengembangan

Less than 5 People